Redmond Linden

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  • Regular price $50.00

(Tilia americana 'Redmond')

A more columnar variety of the traditional basswood, this tree is a perfect fit as a shade tree in a variety of conditions.  Fragrant flowers in June lay the framework for some of the best varieties of honey. For maximum energy conservation, plant this sturdy native on the east or west side of your home.  To prevent winter injury, be sure to provide trunk protection when young.                                                                              

Height and width at maturity: 50’ h x 25’ w

Sun or shade: full sun

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Fall color: yellow

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate

Ash replacement? Yes!

For more information, visit Bachman's Plant Database.    

Photo credits: Bailey Nurseries, NetPS PlantFinder