Mt. Royal Plum

  • Sale
  • Regular price $50.00

(Prunus 'Mount Royal')

Mount Royal: Everything tastes better when you grow it yourself! Take advantage of this fruit tree offering to create your own “urban farm.” If you have a sunny spot with well-drained soils and an interest in harvesting your own plums for jellies, jams, sauces, or off-the-tree fruit from your own backyard, this productive fruit tree is for you!

Height and width at maturity (dwarf variety): 10' x 8' 

Sun or shade: full sun 

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: well-drained

Fall color: Yellow

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate

Ash replacement? No, smaller statured tree!

For more information, visit Bachman's Plant Library. 

Photo credits: Bailey Nurseries, NetPS PlantFinder