Blue Beech

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  • Regular price $50.00

(Carpinus caroliniana)

A handsome medium-sized tree perfect for adding a pop of color to your yard. The trunk and branches become grooved as the tree matures – hence its other common name, “Musclewood.” This texture creates visual interest and makes the tree less vulnerable to frost or storm damage. This shade-tolerant species also has interesting bark characteristics and amazing red fall color!                           

Height and width at maturity: 30’ x 25’

Sun or shade: full sun to partial shade

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Fall color: Vibrant orange to red

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate

Ash replacement (mature size equal to an ash tree)? No

For more information, visit Bachman's Plant Database.    

Photo credits: Bailey Nurseries, NetPS PlantFinder